
Showing posts with the label Raspberry pi

All About Raspberry pi | Ultimate Tutorial For Mac and Windows | 2020.

All About Raspberry pi |Ultimate Tutorial for Mac and Windows | 2020.   Internet of Things  is on its course to bring about the next technological revolution. The  Internet of Things  will shake up the conventional way of doing things and make the world smart. In the past 2-3 years, the interest in    IoT  development boards has increased substantially. This blog is based on a  Raspberry Pi Ultimate Tutorial  focuses on one such    IoT  development board and applications based on it. And in the end, there will be a Bonus for Everyone This Raspberry Pi Ultimate tutorial blog will comprise of the following topics: What is Raspberry Pi? Capabilities of Raspberry Pi What are the Components? OS Installation on Raspberry Pi Sense Hat. Bonus. So Before Starting to learn let's see whats the Idea or Aim behind  Raspberry PI :-